Martha is available to write news summaries, commentary, analysis, and advice columns.
Martha is available to help clients write web content, brochures, fact sheets, white papers, and more.
Martha is available to provide her expertise, guidance, and opinion.
News, Analysis
& Commentary
Martha writes about all health issues with a focus on sexuality and women’s health, HIV, and parenting. She write pieces explaining the latest research on topics such as birth control, pregnancy, vaccines, and sexual behavior. Her articles also comment on current events, analyze political and social trends, challenge myths, provide sexual health advice, and try to help parents raise sexually healthy kids.
& Content Marketing
Martha works with clients to create website content, books, manuals, reports, curricula, fact sheets, slide shows, infographics, and other publications focused on all aspects of sexuality. Martha helps clients understand their audience, distill the information they want to provide, and choose the best format for disseminating their message.
& Women’s Health Expert
Martha is a sexuality educator with a Masters Degree in Health Education and over 20 years of experience in the field. Her expertise includes contraception, STDs, vaccines, adolescent sexual behavior, relationships, and talking with kids about sex. Her strengths include her deep understanding of these topics, her ability to explain complicated concepts and academic research in a simple and straightforward manner, and her occasional snarkiness.
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